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University of Massachusetts Amherst

The ambermarked birch leafminer (AMBLM) (Profenusa thomsoni ) is an invasive leafminer native to the Palearctic from the United Kingdom to Turkey to Japan. It was introduced to the eastern United States in 1921 and has since spread to the mid-western U.S. states and Canadian provinces. This leafminer was introduced to Alaska in 1996, where it has since spread over 140,000 acres, from Haines to Fairbanks. The most severe damage is found throughout the Anchorage bowl, which extends south to Girdwood and North to Wasilla. The damage caused by P. thomsoni can be severe, defoliating entire trees. In 2006, it was noted that urban areas in Alaska experienced higher densities of AMBLM leafminer than adjacent forested areas....
This dataset contains carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope values, and C:N ratios, from eggshell tissue samples of Arctic terns (Sterna paradisaea), Common terns (S. hirundo), and Roseate terns (S. dougalii) nesting on seven islands located along the coast of Maine in 2016, 2017, and 2018.
Incorporating climate change into conservation and restoration decisions is increasingly important for natural resource managers and restoration practitioners. Dam removal is an example of a restoration tool that may offer multiple socio-economic and ecological benefits in urban streams and promote climate resilience. With the pace of dam removals increasing, practitioners and researchers are well-poised to incorporate climate change into future dam removal decisions. Therefore, we surveyed dam removal practitioners across 14 states in the eastern United States to understand current practices of dam removals, factors driving restoration decisions, and how climate change knowledge is incorporated into these decisions....
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