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Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

This data release supports the manuscript: Walker, R.H. and A.W. Walters. 2019. A mechanistic understanding of ecological responses to anthropogenic surface disturbance in headwater streams. Ecosphere 10(10):e02907. 10.1002/ecs2.2907. It includes one data set with physicochemical and biological data from 40 stream sites (100 m length) in the Wyoming Range for summer 2016.
We created a probabilistic classification model using the nonparametric machine learning technique 'Random Forests' for oil and gas development potential from low (0) to high (1) across the western US. The six predictor variables used in the model were: geophysical data showing aeromagnetic, isostatic gravity, and Bouguer gravity anomalies, geology, topography and bedrock depth. Our binary response variable was geospatial point data on producing and non-producing oil and gas wells. Our estimates provide insights into the trajectory and eventual endpoint of oil and gas development, but the rate and exact location of development will be subject to additional factors not considered such as market demand, the capacity...
There are an estimated 28,000 mule deer in the upper Green River Basin (i.e., Sublette Herd, Wyoming Game and Fish Department [WGFD] 2006), most of which annually migrate 40 to 100 miles to summer in portions of 5 mountain ranges (Sawyer et al. 2005). Accordingly, successful management of this deer herd will require that functional migration routes remain intact. Given the increased levels of both energy (Bureau of Land Management [BLM] 2005) and housing (Taylor and Lieske 2002) development in Sublette County, identifying and conserving migration routes has become increasingly important. Currently, migration routes are depicted by simply connecting the dots between locations of marked animals (e.g., Sawyer et...
Categories: Publication; Tags: WLCI, WLCI Agency Report
Given that 95% of the mule deer that winter in the Atlantic Rim Project Area (ARPA) are migratory (Sawyer 2007), sustaining current mule deer populations will require functional migration routes remain intact. Prior to 2000, conserving migration routes had not been a top management concern for agencies because there had been no large‐scale habitat alterations in the ARPA or Baggs Herd Unit, (e.g., Bureau of Land Management [BLM] 2000a, BLM 2000b) and the landscape had remained relatively unchanged. However, the recent approval to develop 2,000 gas wells at a spacing of 8 per section and improve or construct approximately 1,000 miles of road and pipeline (BLM 2006) will result in large‐scale habitat changes that...
Categories: Publication; Tags: WLCI, WLCI Agency Report
This data release supports the manuscript entitled "Multiple approaches to surface water quality assessment provide insight for small streams experiencing oil and natural gas development" (DOI )and includes two data sets: 1) Mean daily discharge, temperature, and conductivity data from three stream sites in the Wyoming Range for summers 2012-2016; 2) Suspended sediment and macroinvertebrate metrics for 40 stream sites in the Wyoming Range for August 2016.
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