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This release includes data used to evaluate the structure and function of the Ross Lake and Diablo Lake food webs. This includes data on zooplankton density and production (zooplankton_density.csv and daphnia_region_production_biomass.csv), lake volume estimates used to expand zooplankton density and production data (lake_volume_estimates.csv), fish sampling (FishSampleEvents.csv), fish biological information including diets, age, and stable isotope analysis (FishFullData_formatted.csv, FishPreyLength.csv), scale back-calculations (salmonid_back_calc.csv, rss_back_calc.csv), fish energy density (calorimetry_processed.csv), stable isotope data for invertebrate end members (si_inverts.csv), and hydroacoustic sampling...
Data in this data set include effort expended to collect suckers for cohort tracking and metrics and observations for each sucker captured from 2015 through 2022. There are two levels of data. All Nets data contains 5102 records and the data file is 609 KB. Captures data contains 3764 records and the data file is 504 KB. The data files can be linked by setID which is a unique identifier for a unique net set. Data files are CSV files that are comma delimited.
Data were collected as part of a long-term capture-recapture program to assess the status and dynamics of populations of two long-lived, federally endangered catostomids in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon and Clear Lake Reservoir, California. Lost River suckers (LRS; Deltistes luxatus) and shortnose suckers (SNS; Chasmistes brevirostris) have been captured and tagged with passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags during their spawning migrations in each year since 1995.PIT tagged species were encountered in netting efforts, remote transceivers, and active scanning on bird colonies across the Upper Klamath River Basin (predominately Upper Klamath Lake and Clear Lake Reservoir). The data includes detections for endangered...
Data were collected at the Flag Springs Complex on the Wayne E. Kirch Wildlife Management Area in Nevada to study the seasonal movements, habitat use, and survival of White River Spinedace. The dataset comprises information on PIT tagged White River Spinedace detected passively by remote antennas, along with habitat characteristics data. Length, weight, and species data were recorded during four bi-annual tagging events that occurred in June and November from November of 2020 to June of 2022. Passive detections of PIT tagged White River Spinedace were recorded at six locations throughout the flag springs complex. Meta data for each detection site are provided, including when antennas were operational. Water temperature...
Data included in this data set are from suckers collected in Hagelstein Pond from 2014 through 2021. Data were collected on age, marginal increment, and marginal increment ratios from fin rays, and length of suckers captured during monthly sampling events. There are two levels of data. Fin ray data contains 409 records and the data file is 31 KB, repeat data contains 58 records and the data file is 5 KB. The data files can be linked by Vial_ID with Vial1, Vial2, or Vial3 which are codes unique to each fin ray. Data files are CSV files that are comma delimited.
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