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Quantification of linkages between large-scale climatic patterns and precipitation in the Colorado River Basin


David Roncayolo, Bart Nijssen, Juan B Valdes, and Tae-Woong Kim, Quantification of linkages between large-scale climatic patterns and precipitation in the Colorado River Basin: .


This study analyzed the linkages between large-scale climate patterns and regional precipitation variability, in particular the interannual variation of seasonal precipitation in the Colorado River Basin. Two climate indices, the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), were selected to represent climate patterns. Conceptual influence indices, which quantify the strength of linkages between climate patterns and precipitation variability, were developed based on the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). In turn, the spatial variability of the influence indices within the Colorado River Basin was examined for different combinations of SOI and PDO phases and lead times from zero to three seasons. Precipitation [...]


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  • Upper Colorado River Basin



From Source - Mendeley RIS export <br> On - Tue May 10 11:30:35 CDT 2011

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