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Developing Remote Sensing Applications for Geologic, Vegetation, and Soil Investigations


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Regional-scale studies, such as those being conducted for the WLCI, are well suited for the use of remote-sensing techniques. Derivative products from remote-sensing instruments, such as Landsat, have been used successfully for decades in studies of geology, vegetation, environmental change, and many other types of scientific research. The continuous coverage of Landsat data since 1972 makes it possible to establish baseline conditions in areas affected by renewable and nonrenewable energy development. In this study, various Landsat datasets are being used to map current and pre-development conditions in the WLCI study area for a selected set of scientific interests. Landsat scenes have been mosaicked to produce a composite map of [...]


Data Owner :
U.S. Geological Survey
Contact :
Robert R Mcdougal

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  • Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative



Information derived from USGS Science for WLCI Annual Reports

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  • Remote Sensing for Geologic, Vegetation, and Soil Investigations

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