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Landslides 1:24000


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The Department of Natural Resources, Geology and Earth Resources Division (DGER), also known as the Washington Geological Survey, actively identify, assess, and map landslide hazards using modern geotechnical and geophysical methods. Our hazard maps are critical for land-use and emergency-management planning, disaster response, and building-code amendments. As our population grows, there is increasing pressure to develop in hazardous areas, thus delineating these areas is imperative. In response to the Growth Management Act's mandate to use the 'best available science', our geologists meet with local governments and citizens in at-risk communities to educate about geologic hazards and ensure these hazards are taken into account while [...]

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These data contain 1:24,000-scale polygons defining the extend of mapped landslides in the state of Washington. This dataset is compiled chiefly from pre-existing landslide databases created in different divisions of the Washington State Department of Natural Resources to meet a variety of purposes. Although it has been updated to include landslides from specific recent landslide events, it does not yet include landslides from recent geologic quadrangle mapping; this mapping will be included in a future release of this dataset. This dataset does not include landslides mapped at 1:100,000 scale; landslides at that scale are included in a separate geodatabase (surface_geology_100k.gdb).


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  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
  • North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative



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