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2010 Yearly Report for Predicting Climate Change Threats to Key Estuarine Habitats and Ecosystem Services in the Pacific Northwest


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Deborah A Reusser, 2010, 2010 Yearly Report for Predicting Climate Change Threats to Key Estuarine Habitats and Ecosystem Services in the Pacific Northwest: .


In December 2009, a workshop sponsored by the US Geological Survey and the US Environmental Protection Agency was held to identify on-going sea level rise (SLR) modeling efforts, data gaps, and information needs for management decisions about current and future mitigation and restoration efforts in Oregon estuaries. The workshop brought together 46 non-governmental organizations, federal scientists, state land managers, and SLR modelers and has inspired collaborations for data, knowledge, and technology exchange. A second SLR workshop was scheduled for February 1 and 2, 2011 in Newport, OR to continue to build upon the collaborative efforts established at the first workshop.


Author :
Deborah A Reusser
Funding Agency :

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  • National CASC
  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers



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