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Brown Creeper (Certhia americana) current and future probability of occurrence (binomial), presence/absence based on probability of occurrence (binomial binary), and density (gaussian)


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Grid files (tif format) for individual species models of current and future breeding bird distributions including probability of occurrence (binomial), presence/absence based on probability of occurrence (binomial binary), and density (gaussian). Future models include projections for 5 different regional climate models, a mean of all 5 regional climate models, and standard deviation and error values for this mean. Metadat for each individual model is included in the zipped files associated with this LC-MAP record.


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10.98 KB application/fgdc+xml 7.12 MB application/zip


Information on the potential effects of climate change on bird communities can help guide effective conservation and inform land management decisions. Species projections can be used to identify species that may be sensitive and vulnerable to climate change. Species projections can also be used to examine future changes in bird species richness and composition. These models were created under a grant from the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative (NPLCC) and will be used within that region to help identify areas of current and future conservation priority as well as to reveal opportunities for resource managers to collaborate in their climate adaptation strategies.



  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
  • North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative



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