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Illinois Central Railway cut, four miles south of Bellville. Green County, Wisconsin. 1907.


Date Taken


Album caption: Illinois Central Railway cut, four miles south of Bellville, Wis., NW 1/4, sec. 29, Exeter Tp. Green County, Wisconsin, Trenton limestone a few feet at the top, below is St. Peter sandstone 25-30 feet, overlying unconformably residual chert and Lower Magnesian limestone. New Glarus quadrangle. Green County, Wisconsin. July 31, 1907. Handwritten note on album caption: New Glarus quad. , R- 4, R-5. 307, 308.


Data Owner :
U.S. Geological Survey
Photographer :
Alden, William Clinton

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Available in the U.S. Geological Survey Denver Library Photographic Collection, Alden, W.C. Collection.


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Type Scheme Key
name photoLibrary awc00307
number photoLibrary 571
batch photoLibrary btch462
number_in_book photoLibrary 307

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