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Implementing an OpenLayers HTML5 Mapping Library


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This project developed a set of raster utility classes and layer types for inclusion in OpenLayers to allow for statistical analysis, manipulation, and additional rendering functionality for raster data sources. The deliverables are patches for the OpenLayers development branch that include the new functionality, examples and documentation to demonstrate its use, and comprehensive unit test coverage. The intention was to get this newly developed functionality into the next stable release of OpenLayers. An additional component of an HTML5 toolkit is for the opensource JavaScript mapping framework OpenLayers. These tools are especially useful to USGS web mapping needs. This effort delivered a new set of classes within the OpenLayers [...]

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OpenLayers_HTML5_presentation_at_CDI-hosted_webinar_2012-09 .pdf 14.15 MB application/pdf

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  • Community for Data Integration (CDI)



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Funded by the Community for Data Integration (CDI)

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