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Asian Carp toxicant screening program


Description of Work This work began by assembling fish toxicant data into a common database and examining the database for trends in toxicant data. The trends found in the toxicant database were linked to physiochemical properties of the individual toxicants. Combining the toxicant trends with the physiochemical properties may allow for the prediction of toxicity and the identification of chemicals with selectivity for the Asian carp. Identifying a selective toxicant may provide control of Asian carps while minimizing effects on other non-target aquatic species. When Asian carp specific toxicants are identified from the initial screen within the database these toxicants are then further screened in toxicity assays using fish cell lines [...]


Principal Investigator :
Joel G Putnam
Cooperator/Partner :
Terrance D Hubert, Mark P Gaikowski
Associate Project Chief :
Sandra Morrison
Lead Organization :
Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

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Currently, the identification of potential species-selective toxicants is based on the conduct of numerous acute toxicity tests which is labor intensive, slow and requires the exposure of numerous live fish from multiple species to each potential toxicant. Species-selective toxicants are preferable to non-selective toxicants because they can be used to target nuisance species like Asian carp while not harming other species. There are chemical databases (e.g., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ECOTOX database) available that can be used to identify toxicants that are potential fish management chemicals. However, existing databases do not have the capacity to identify chemicals present in the database that have potential as selective toxicants. This project focuses on improving the processes used to identify potential candidate toxicants with comparable or possibly greater selectivity than current registered fish toxicants.

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  • Great Lakes Restoration Initiative



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