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The western sand darter (Ammocrypta clara) in Pool 26 of the Mississippi River in Missouri and Illinois


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Two new localities from Pool 26 of the Mississippi River are reported for the western sand darter (Ammocrypta clara) for Missouri and Illinois. One locality is at River Mile 219.4, Perry Island, St. Charles County, Missouri; the other is at River Mile 235.0 236.0, Hat Island, Calhoun County, Illinois. Specimens were collected at the first locality in one year (1992) out of five years (1989 1993) of sampling and at the second in two years (1989, 1992) out of five. The specimens of this species accounted for 0.4% of all fish collected in 1989, and 0.07% of all fish collected in 1992. All collecting sites had a sand substrate with significant current.


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  • Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)



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Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 89(3 and 4):221 224. Reprinted by U.S. Geological Survey, Environmental Management Technical Center, Onalaska, Wisconsin

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