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Phase 2 Final Report: "Assessing the Condition and Resilience of Collaborative Conservation Priority Areas in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion"


2015-02-25 18:45:54
Last Update
2017-10-30 18:31:01


Tom Miewald(Principal Investigator), Madeline Steele(Co-Investigator), Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), LCC Network Data Steward(administrator), 2015-02-25(creation), 2017-10-30(lastUpdate), Phase 2 Final Report: "Assessing the Condition and Resilience of Collaborative Conservation Priority Areas in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion"


A download link for the report and its appendices is below ("USFWS 2015 Assessing the Condition and Climate Resilience of Collaborative Conservation Priority Areas in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion.pdf"). For those who don't need the appendices or who have a slow internet connection, a version with the report only is also provided ("USFWS 2015 Report only no appendices.pdf"). The scorecard appendix is also posted separately ("USFWS_2015_Appendix_A_PCA_Scorecards.pdf").Related Documents and Data:A companion report describing the Ecological Integrity Assessment and its results is here. An addendum report with scorecards and CCVA results for the ALI's Priority Linkage Areas (PLAs) is here (the report available on this page is focused [...]


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md_metadata.json 34.05 KB application/json
USFWS_2015_Assessing_the_Condition_and_Climate_Resilience_of_Collaborative_Conservation_Priority_Areas_in_the_Columbia_Plateau_Ecoregion.pdf 93.01 MB application/pdf
USFWS_2015_Report_only_no_appendices.pdf 2.42 MB application/pdf
USFWS_2015_Appendix_A_PCA_Scorecards.pdf 83.74 MB application/pdf

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  • Northwest CASC

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