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Understanding Sediment Transport to Coastal Waters and Coral Reefs in West Maui

Mapping and Environmental Science to Support Clean Reefs of West Maui, Hawai'i


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Coral ecosystems of West Maui support a vibrant tourism industry and provide tangible economic benefits to the community. Hawaiian nearshore reefs generate about $800 million in annual revenue, not including the ecosystem services they provide - such as critical habitat for diverse fish species and buffering coasts from storm surges. The Hawaiian economy depends on healthy coral ecosystems, yet reefs are currently facing multiple threats, including changing climate conditions, local land-based pollution, and sediment erosion. Erosion of soils into nearshore coastal zones is a chief concern facing land managers in West Maui. Intermittent rainfall can carry sediment from sources such as dirt roads, agricultural fields, streambanks, [...]

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Principal Investigator :
Kirsten Oleson
Cooperator/Partner :
John Stock
Funding Agency :
Pacific Islands CSC
CMS Group :
Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASC) Program

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“Maui - Credit: Bernard Spragg”
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Coral ecosystems of West Maui support a vibrant tourist industry and provide tangible economic benefits to the community. This economy depends on a healthy coral ecosystem, which is increasingly under multiple threats from global climate change and local land based pollution. Sediment, nutrients, and other pollutants are transported to coastal waters in runoff, groundwater seepage, and atmospheric fallout. These pollutants degrade coral ecosystems by blocking light used for photosynthesis, inhibiting coral larval recruitment, directly smothering and abrading coral, and triggering increases in macroalgae. The research team will construct a more authoritative sediment budget for West Maui watersheds, and incorporate the information into modeling. Project objectives include: 1) Surveying legacy deposits of in fine-grained fill terraces along four representative streams that produced sediment plumes in 2014; 2) Instrumenting four sites on these streams to estimate bank-erosion rates of fine sediments; 3) Translating findings into Bayesian models to estimate erosion. These activities will produce a sediment budget that allows users to focus mitigation efforts on the sources of sediment they expect be most concerned about.

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