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LANDFIRE - Fire Regime Groups (LANDFIRE.US_130FRG)


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Wildland Fire Science, Earth Resources Observation and Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey, 20130831, LANDFIRE.US_130FRG: .


Broad-scale alterations of historical fire regimes and vegetation dynamics have occurred in many landscapes in the U.S. through the combined influence of land management practices, fire exclusion, ungulate herbivory, insect and disease outbreaks, climate change, and invasion of non-native plant species. The LANDFIRE Project produces maps of historical fire regimes and vegetation conditions using the disturbance dynamics model VDDT. LANDFIRE also produces maps of current vegetation and measurements of current vegetation departure from simulated historical reference conditions. These maps support fire and landscape management planning outlined in the goals of the National Fire Plan, Federal Wildland Fire Management Policy, and the Healthy [...]


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LANDFIRE data products are designed to facilitate national- and regional-level strategic planning and reporting of management activities. Data products are created at a 30-meter grid spatial resolution raster data set; however, the applicability of data products varies by location and specific use. Principal purposes of the data products include providing, 1) national-level, landscape-scale geospatial products to support fire and fuels management planning, and, 2) consistent fuels data to support fire planning, analysis, and budgeting to evaluate fire management alternatives. Users are advised to evaluate the data carefully for their applications.



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