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Final Report: Upper Rio Grande Basin Snowfall Measurement and Streamflow (RIO-SNO-FLOW) Forecasting Improvement Project


2016-03-16 15:39:23
Last Update
2016-03-16 15:47:36
Release Date


David Gochis(Author), 2016-03-16(creation), 2016-03-16(lastUpdate), 2016-01-22(Release), Final Report: Upper Rio Grande Basin Snowfall Measurement and Streamflow (RIO-SNO-FLOW) Forecasting Improvement Project


This reports summarizes work and key findings to date from the Upper RIO Grande Basin SNOwfall Measurement and streamFLOW (RIO-SNO-FLOW) Forecasting Improvement Project conducted from Jan. 1, 2014 through Dec. 31, 2015. The project area was centered over the upper mainstem Rio Grande and Conejos River basins in southern Colorado. This report is organized into 7 chapters that detail the major elements of the project including; a Project Description, NOAA Gap-filling Radar, NASA Airborne Snow Observatory, In-Situ Ground Observations, Distributed Hydrologic Modeling, and Community Engagement. While several follow-on activities are still in progress, a number of conclusions and recommendations have emerged from the RIO-SNO-FLOW project. [...]


Principal Investigator :
David Gochis
Author :
David Gochis
Point of Contact :
LCC Network Data Steward
Material Request Contact :
LCC Network Data Steward

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SRLCC_2013_Gochis_UpperRioGrande_FinalReport.pdf 5.56 MB application/pdf
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Material Request Instructions

LCC Network Data Steward(Point of Contact)


  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
  • Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative



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