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Final Report: Integrating Climate and Biological Data into Management Decisions for the Greater Sage-­Grouse and their Habitats


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Ute Langner, Claudine Tobalske, and Linda Vance, 2014-12, Final Report: Integrating Climate and Biological Data into Management Decisions for the Greater Sage-­Grouse and their Habitats: .


This study had two objectives: first, to generate a landcover map for the Charles M. Russell Wildlife Refuge (CMR) emphasizing the distribution of land cover types in relation to greater sage grouse ( Centrocercus urophasianus) habitat needs, and second, to provide data that would allow a determination of whether results were better with SPOT imagery or Landsat 8 imagery. SPOT imagery is provided at a 10m pixel resolution, while Landsat 8 is at 30m. Results from this classification will allow managers to determine which resolution provides the accuracy needed for habitat planning and management.


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  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • North Central CASC

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