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Optimizing satellite resources for the global assessment and mitigation of volcanic hazards


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A vast number of the world’s volcanoes are unmonitored by ground-based sensors, yet constitute an important hazard to nearby residents and infrastructure, as well as air travel and the global economy. Satellite data provide a cost-effective means of tracking activity at such volcanoes. Unfortunately, satellite acquisitions are not optimized for application to volcano hazards, in part because clear relations between satellite-monitored unrest and eruptive activity are lacking. We aim to bridge this gap by developing linked global databases of satellite observations of volcanic activity, with the goal of relating surface change and volcanic emissions to eruption style and impact. This database (or databases) will be used to design [...]


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“Volcano Remote Sensing Working group photo”
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Volcano Remote Sensing Seminar Flyer,final.pdf
“Volcano Remote sensing seminar flyer”
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“Volcano Remote Sensing Group Photo”
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Volcano Remote Sensing Working group photo
Volcano Remote Sensing Working group photo


  • John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis



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