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Glade Mapping Project Final Report


2017-10-26 14:26:52
Last Update
2017-10-26 14:26:52


Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), Jane Fitzgerald(Principal Investigator), 2017-10-26(creation), 2017-10-26(lastUpdate), Glade Mapping Project Final Report


This is the final report for glade mapping deliverables in accordance with the Cooperative GrantAgreement between myself and the American Bird Conservancy (ABC). It covers workcompleted between May 15, 2013 and December 31, 2013. Dr. Jane Fitzgerald of ABC is theproject leader with me performing and supervising the work. According to the terms ofAgreement I am providing a final shapefile for 11,431 dolomite, sandstone, limestone and chertglades comprehensively mapped at a rate of 20 7.5 minute quad maps per month.


Attached Files

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md_metadata.json 13.09 KB application/json
Glade Mapping_Final Report_2013.pdf
“Final Report: Glade Mapping Phase 1”
198.84 KB application/pdf


  • Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative
  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal

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