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Winter Precipitation Maps - RCP 8.5, Millimeters


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Time span for which resource(map) is relevant. baseline (1961-1990) average total precipitation and projected change in precipitation for the decades spanning 2010-2039, 2040-2069, and 2070-2099
Time span for which resource(map) is relevant. baseline (1961-1990) average total precipitation and projected change in precipitation for the decades spanning 2010-2039, 2040-2069, and 2070-2099


LCC Network Data Steward(Point of Contact), Arctic Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), Arctic Landscape Conservation Cooperative(Originator), 2014-11-26(lastUpdate), 2011-09-29(Publication), Winter Precipitation Maps - RCP 8.5, Millimeters,,


Baseline (1961-1990) average annual temperature in and projected change in temperature for for the northern portion of Alaska. The Alaska portion of the Arctic LCC’s terrestrial boundary is depicted by the black line. Baseline results for 1961-1990 are derived from Climate Research Unit (CRU) TS3.1 data and downscaled to 2km grids; results for the other time periods (2010-2039, 2040-2069, 2070-2099) are based on the SNAP 5-GCM composite using the AR5-RCP 6.0, downscaled to 2km grids.


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Arctic Landscape Conservation Cooperative(Data Owner)


This collection of maps summarize historic baseline (1961-1990) and projected change in average annual temperature. Baseline results for 1961-1990 are derived from Climate Research Unit (CRU) TS 3.1. data and maps for future time periods are based on a composite of projections from five GCMs (CCSM4 - National Center for Atmospheric Research, Community Earth System Model 4, United States; GFDL-CM3 - NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Coupled Model 3.0, United States; GISS-E2-R - NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, ModelE/Russell, United States; IPSL-CM5A-LR - Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace, France; MRI-CGCM3 - Meteorological Research Institute, Coupled General Circulation Model version 3.0, Japan) under the AR5-RCP 6.0. Data courtesy of Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning.

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urn:uuid urn:uuid 2c2454c9-5e92-47a6-a074-c9ec07291861

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