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Suspended sediment concentration and loads for the North Fork Nooksack River below Cascade Creek near Glacier, Washington, June 26, 2015 to October 31, 2016


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Curran, C.A., Anderson, S.W., Foreman, J.R., and Beaulieu, J., 2018, Suspended sediment concentration and loads in the Nooksack River Basin, northwest Washington: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Suspended-sediment samples were collected by NIT and USGS at the USGS streamgage North Fork Nooksack River below Cascade Creek near Glacier (12205000) from June 2015 to October 2016 over a range of discharge and turbidity conditions. Regression equations were developed to estimate the suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) and the concentration of fine suspended-sediment (fSSC; <0.0625 mm) using turbidity as an explanatory variable. An hourly time series of SSC, fSSC, and the uncertainty of individual estimates (prediction intervals with 90 percent confidence) was computed and is provided. A daily time series of suspended-sediment load (SSL) and fine suspended-sediment load (fSSL) derived from hourly SSC and discharge data, was computed [...]


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12205000 FILLING GAPS IN DAILY RECORD.pdf 268.65 KB application/pdf
12205000 SSC TURB REGR MODEL SUMMARY.pdf 356.32 KB application/pdf
SSC_60min_Data_12205000.csv 620.52 KB text/csv
SSC_Sample_Data_12205000.csv 1.34 KB text/csv
SSL_Daily_Data_12205000.csv 17.58 KB text/csv
12205000_20171128.jpg thumbnail 5.47 MB image/jpeg


Data were collected to support a USGS study examining geomorphic change in the Nooksack River and sediment transport in the Nooksack River and principal tributaries.
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