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Determine the behavior and spatial distribution of bigheaded carp in response to seismic water guns: Data


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Rivera, J.M., 2018, Determine the behavior and spatial distribution of bigheaded carp in response to seismic water guns: Data: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This dataset includes exported hydroacoustic data (i.e., coordinates for acoustically detected fish targets, mean target strength of detected fish). The distance (m) from the water guns for each fish target was calculated using the gps coordinates of fish targets and the water guns’ location. The total lengths of fish targets were estimated from their target strength (dB), and fish were then classified as native fish or bigheaded carp according to their total length. This dataset was used to examine the efficacy of water guns to alter bigheaded carp behavior via analyses on fish abundance, spatial and size distribution of fish, and the effective water gun range. Each worksheet tab is labeled with the survey date and time, as well the [...]


Point of Contact :
Jose M Rivera
Originator :
Jose M Rivera
Metadata Contact :
Jose M Rivera
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
SDC Data Owner :
Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
USGS Mission Area :

Attached Files

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2013 Water Gun Data _open.csv 1.05 MB text/csv
2013_fish_tracks.csv 3.85 KB text/csv
2013_fixed.csv 2.61 KB text/csv
Original FGDC Metadata

27.88 KB application/fgdc+xml


These data were collected to evaluate the behavior and spatial distribution of bigheaded carp in response to seismic water guns; specifically, whether there was a difference (in relation to control and water gun treatments) in the number of bigheaded carp detected in the HMS channel, spatial distribution, and size distribution of bigheaded carp. These data will help support management decisions pertaining to the use of water guns as a deterrent or barrier for invasive bigheaded carp.



  • Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)



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DOI doi:10.5066/F7K073G2

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