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How Might Recharge Change Under Projected Climate Change in the Western U.S.?


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Niraula, R., Meixn er, T., Dominguez, F.,Bhattarai, N., Rodell, M., Ajami, H.,Gochis, D., & Castro, C. (2017). Howmight recharge change under projectedclimate change in the western U.S.?.Geophysical Research Letters, 44,10,407-10,418.


Although groundwater is a major water resource in the western U.S., little research has been done on the impacts of climate change on groundwater storage and recharge in the West. Here we assess the impact of projected changes in climate on groundwater recharge in the near (2021-2050) and far (2071-2100) future across the western U.S. Variable Infiltration Capacity model was run with RCP 6.0 forcing from 11 global climate models and “subsurface runoff” output was considered as recharge. Recharge is expected to decrease in the West (-5.8 ± 14.3%) and Southwest (-4.0 ± 6.7%) regions in the near future and in the South region (-9.5 ± 24.3%) in the far future. The Northern Rockies region is expected to get more recharge in the near (+5.3 [...]


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Historic precipitation and relative change in percipitation
Historic precipitation and relative change in percipitation


  • John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis




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DOI 10.1002/ 2017GL075421

Citation Extension

noteNiraula, R., Meixn er, T., Dominguez, F.,Bhattarai, N., Rodell, M., Ajami, H.,Gochis, D., & Castro, C. (2017). Howmight recharge change under projected climate change in the western U.S.?.Geophysical Research Letters, 44,10,407-10,418.

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