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Occurrence data for organic compounds and bioactive chemicals in water, sediment and tissue from Rocky Mountain National Park, 2012-13


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Romanok, K.M., Bradley, P.M., and Battaglin, W.A., 2018, Occurrence data for organic compounds and bioactive chemicals in water, sediment and tissue from Rocky Mountain National Park, 2012-13: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This data set contains the concentration results for water- and sediment-quality and tissue samples, as well as associated quality-assurance data, collected at sampling locations located in the Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. Samples were collected between 2012 and 2013. Samples were analyzed for nutrients, hormones, pharmaceutical, wastewater indicator compounds and pesticides, at the U.S. Geological Survey, National Water Quality Laboratory and the Organic Chemistry Research Laboratory, Sacramento, California. Bioassay analyses were performed at the National Fish Health Laboratory in Kearneysville, West Virginia. Data is also archived in the National Water Information System database (


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Figure1_NPS_ROMO_Map.jpg thumbnail 898.15 KB image/jpeg
Table1_NPS_ROMO_SiteInformation.txt 2.05 KB text/plain
Table2_NPS_ROMO_Methods.txt 37.84 KB text/plain
Table3_NPS_ROMO_WaterQuality.txt 101.8 KB text/plain
Table4_NPS_ROMO_QA_WaterQuality.txt 34.74 KB text/plain
Table5_NPS_ROMO_WaterQualityPesticides.txt 6.07 KB text/plain
Table6_NPS_ROMO_SedimentQuality.txt 39.2 KB text/plain
Table7_NPS_ROMO_QA_SedimentQuality.txt 11.71 KB text/plain
Table8_NPS_ROMO_SedimentPesticides.txt 9.43 KB text/plain
Table9_NPS_ROMO_TissueResults.txt 9.18 KB text/plain
Table10_NPS_ROMO_TissuePesticide.txt 11.98 KB text/plain


Pharmaceuticals, hormones, pesticides, and other bioactive contaminants (BCs) are commonly detected in surface water and bed sediment in urban and suburban areas but these contaminants are understudied in remote, protected locations. In Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA (RMNP) BCs may threaten the reproductive success and survival of native aquatic species, benthic communities, and pelagic food webs. In 2012-2013, 67 water, 57 sediment, 63 fish, 10 frog, and 12 quality-assurance samples (water and sediment) were collected from 20 stream, pond, or wetland sites in RMNP. Samples were analyzed for 369 parameters including 149 pharmaceuticals, 22 hormones, 137 pesticides, and 61 other chemicals or conditions to provide a comprehensive assessment of BCs occurrence within RMNP. Results indicate that BCs were detected in water and/or sediment from both remote and more accessible locations in RMNP. Some detected contaminants, including carbaryl, caffeine, and oxycodone, are clearly attributable to direct local human input, whereas others may be transported into the park atmospherically (e.g., atrazine), or have local natural sources (e.g., p-cresol). One or more pharmaceuticals was detected in at least 1 sample from 15 of 20 sites. Most of the 29 detected pharmaceuticals are excreted primarily in human urine, not feces. Elevated total estrogenicity (>0.45 ng/L 17-estradiol equivalents) was observed in 18% of water samples and elevated vitellogenin (> 1 milligram per milliliter) in blood was observed in 12% of male trout, both evidence of potential endocrine disruption. Concentrations of hormones in sediment tended to be much greater than the concentrations of hormones in water. Bioactive contaminants commonly occurred in complex mixtures in RMNP, however no individual BC was observed above recognized adverse-effects concentrations. Results indicate that even in remote locations aquatic wildlife can be exposed to pharmaceuticals, hormones, pesticides, and other bioactive contaminants at low concentrations.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9XUYMQT

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