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The effects of 28-day exposure to elevated carbon dioxide on survival, growth and condition of juvenile life stage of Lampsilis siliquoidea and Lampsilis higginsii mussels: Data


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Waller, D.L. and Jackson, C.A., 2018, The effects of 28-day exposure to elevated carbon dioxide on survival, growth and condition of juvenile life stage of Lampsilis siliquoidea and Lampsilis higginsii mussels: Data: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The use of carbon dioxide to control aquatic invasive species (AIS) prompted an evaluation of its effects on native freshwater mussels that may reside in areas of infusion. We exposed juvenile mussels (~6-mo old) of two species, the fat mucket (Lampsilis siliquoidea) and the federally endangered Higgins’ Eye (L. higginsii) to CO2 concentrations proposed for AIS control (24,000 – 96,000 µatm pCO2 ) for 28 d followed by a 14-d recovery period and compared their survival, growth, and behavior. Additionally, tissue and shell condition and transcriptomic response of four genes were measured in L. siliquoidea. Survival was similar between species; the 14-d postexposure LC50 for L.higginsii was 61,000 µatm pCO2 (95% CL 46,000-87,700 µatm) [...]


Point of Contact :
Diane L Waller
Originator :
Diane L Waller, Craig A Jackson
Metadata Contact :
Diane L Waller
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
SDC Data Owner :
Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
USGS Mission Area :

Attached Files

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Ammonia data.csv 2.39 KB text/csv
ATPase exposure.csv 3.11 KB text/csv
ATPase post_exposure.csv 4.15 KB text/csv
behavior 4_1pe.csv 4 KB text/csv
behavior d1_12.csv 13.86 KB text/csv
camoudlin exposure.csv 3.24 KB text/csv
camoudlin post_exposure.csv 4.34 KB text/csv
chitin exposure.csv 3.06 KB text/csv
chitin post_exposure.csv 4.1 KB text/csv
CO2 data three measures for SAS.csv 13.58 KB text/csv
defesin exposure.csv 4.28 KB text/csv
defesin post_exposure.csv 5.32 KB text/csv
Effects of 28-day exposure to elevated carbon dioxide on survival, growth and condition of juvenile life stage of Lampsilis siliquoidea and Lampsilis higginsii mussels.xml
Original FGDC Metadata

104.94 KB application/fgdc+xml
Mussel dry tissue and shell data for sas.csv 2.17 KB text/csv
Mussel measurement data for sas.csv 26.31 KB text/csv
Mussel mortality for SAS.csv 1.3 KB text/csv
Water Chem data.csv 1.06 KB text/csv
water quality for sas.csv 21.04 KB text/csv


The data summarize the effects of carbon dioxide infusion for 28-d on the survival, shell growth, condition, genomic expression, and behavior of juvenile freshwater mussels. The project will be used to determine the risk to native mussels of using carbon dioxide as a tool to control Asian carp movements.


  • Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)



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DOI doi:10.5066/F78W3CMT

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