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Food web fatty acids and stable isotopes in the Upper Mississippi River Basin 2013-2014: Data


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Fritts, A.K., Knights, B.C., Lafrancois, T., Bartsch, L.A., Vallazza, J.M., Bartsch, M., Richardson, W.B., Karns, B., Bailey, S.W., and Kreiling, R.M., 2018, Food web fatty acids and stable isotopes in the Upper Mississippi River Basin 2013-2014: Data: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This dataset includes information from multiple taxa collected from four main reaches in the Upper Mississippi River Basin, including La Grange reach of Illinois River, Pool 2 of Mississippi River, Pool 19 of Mississippi River, and the St. Croix River. Taxa include hydropsychid caddisflies, chironomids, hexagenia mayflies, threeridge mussels, mapleleaf mussels, Wabash pigtoe mussels, bigmouth buffalo, gizzard shad, and bluegill. Seston samples were also collected, in addition to water samples for identifying and enumerating phytoplankton species. Fatty acids, lipids, and stable isotopes were quantified for the aforementioned taxa. Water quality data were recorded at the time of sample collection and discharge data was obtained from [...]


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FA_isotope.csv 436.03 KB text/csv
Food web fatty acid stable isotopes Fritts.xml
Original FGDC Metadata

139.44 KB application/fgdc+xml
Hydrology.csv 1.07 KB text/csv
Phytoplankton.csv 452.09 KB text/csv
Tissue_Isotope_Comparison.csv 24.52 KB text/csv
WQ_environmental.csv 5.01 KB text/csv


Data were collected to 1) evaluate food web dynamics across a spatial gradient in the Upper Mississippi River Basin, 2) examine the variance structure of stable isotopes and fatty acids across a hierarchical spatial structure and over time, and 3) compare the relationship between isotopic signatures from different tissue compartments in freshwater mussels


  • USGS Data Release Products
  • Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9G92506

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