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Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Sea-level Rise Scenarios and Models 2010-2015


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Berkowitz, P., Storlazzi, C.D., Reynolds, M.H., and Courtot, K.N., 2018, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Sea-level Rise Scenarios and Models 2010-2015: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This data release consists of two ESRI geodatabases that store inundation areas for various future scenarios of sea-level rise (SLR), groundwater rise, and storm waves for Laysan Island and Midway Atoll in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Five types of inundation scenarios are considered: (1) passive SLR, (2) passive SLR including groundwater rise, (3) wave-driven inundation during storm events, (4) wave-driven inundation during storm events including groundwater rise, and (5) wave-driven inundation during storm events, assuming unlimited seawater volumes and no infiltration (i.e., theoretical maximum). This scenario applies only to Laysan Island which has topographic depressions that fill with water during flood events. For each [...]

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The purpose of these two geodatabases is to help forecast the impacts of rising sea level, rising groundwater level, and storm waves on seabirds and their habitat at Laysan Island and Midway Atoll for a range of sea-level rise scenarios from 0 to 2 meters. The impacts to seabirds and seabird habitat can be estimated by overlaying various inundation layers included in these geodatabases with seabird distribution and abundance data (generally available from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). The Northwestern Hawaiian Islands represent one of the most important breeding areas in the world for seabirds, and consequently is an area of major interest to biologists.
Laysan Island topography (PhotoSat copyrighted image, used with permission)
Laysan Island topography (PhotoSat copyrighted image, used with permission)


  • Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center
  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9P5WHVH

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