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Projecting Future Wildfire Activity in Alaska’s Boreal Forest

Wildfire Projections in Interior Alaska (Host Agreement project)


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Wildfires are a natural occurrence in interior Alaska’s boreal forest. There is extreme variability in the severity of the wildfire season in this region. A single year in which more than one million acres of forest burns can be followed by several years of low to moderate fire activity. In addition, fires in high latitude zones appear to be responding to changes in climate. Warmer temperatures rapidly cure understory fuels, such as fast-drying beds of mosses, lichens, and shrubs, which lie beneath highly flammable conifer trees. Managing such variability is challenging in light of both changing climate conditions and the fact that planning activities require sufficient advance warning. The goal of this project is to support short-term [...]

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Principal Investigator :
Scott Rupp
Co-Investigator :
Peter Bieniek, Uma Bhatt, Stephanie McAfee
Funding Agency :
Alaska CASC
CMS Group :
Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASC) Program

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“Boreal forest fire - Credit: Scott Rupp”
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Wildfires are a natural occurrence in the Boreal Forest and are managed in Alaska each summer. The seasonal variability of wildfire is driven by extremes with one year have large area burned (greater than one million acres) and followed by many, even decades with little fire activity. Managing such extremes is a challenge especially in the context of anticipated climate change since planning needs to occur long in advance to stage resources and establish budgets. Fire danger ratings can be evaluated in observations and future climate projections to aid long-term planning while shorter-term forecasts for the upcoming year can be examined with seasonal forecast models.

Project Extension

projectStatusIn Progress

Boreal forest fire - Credit: Scott Rupp
Boreal forest fire - Credit: Scott Rupp


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ScienceBase WMS


  • Alaska CASC
  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers

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Fiscal Year
Science Themes
Drought, Fire and Extreme Weather
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