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Elepaio nest monitoring data in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park from 2015-2017


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Banko, P.C., Jaenecke, K.A., Peck, R.W., and Brinck, K.W., 2018, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Elepaio nest monitoring and black rat mark recapture data 2015-2017: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


We evaluated the nesting response of Hawai‘i ‘Elepaio (Chasiempis sandwichensis; Monarchidae), a generalist insectivore, to the removal of black rats using rodenticide in a before-after-control-impact study in high and low, mesic montane habitat recovering from long-term damage from introduced ungulates and weeds. We monitored nesting activity during 2015–2016 before applying diphacinone bait in 2017 to remove rats from two 700 x 700-m treatment plots that were paired with two non-treatment plots. We continued monitoring through July 2017. This data set includes a summarized account of Elepaio nests during the 2015, 2016, and 2017 breeding seasons. There is a unique identifier for each nest ('NestID '), along with information on the [...]


Point of Contact :
Paul C Banko
Originator :
Paul C Banko, Kelly A Jaenecke, Robert W Peck, Kevin Brinck
Metadata Contact :
Paul C Banko
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
SDC Data Owner :
Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center
USGS Mission Area :

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HAEL_NestMonitoring_HAVO_2015-2017.csv 12.45 KB text/csv
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Data were collected to estimate the differences in 'Elepaio nest success in rodenticide treated and un-treated plots.These data can be used to describe 'Elepaio nest success in the described location. They were specifically formatted for analysis using the Nest model from program MARK via the R package 'RMark'.


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  • Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center



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