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Evaluation of Carbon dioxide as a dreissenid control tool: Data


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Waller, D. and Bartsch, M., 2019, Evaluation of Carbon dioxide as a dreissenid control tool: Data: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Control technology for dreissenid mussels (Dreissena polymorpha and D. bugensis) currently relies heavily on chemical molluscicides that can be both costly and ecologically harmful. There is a need to develop more environmentally neutral control tools to manage dreissenid mussels, particularly in cooler water. Carbon dioxide has been shown to be lethal to several species of invasive bivalves, including zebra mussels and Asian clams (Corbicula fluminea). We evaluated the effects of various treatment regimes [i.e., exposure duration and pCO2 (partial pressure of carbon dioxide)] on mortality, byssal thread formation and attachment, and narcotization behavior. The effects of elevated carbon dioxide on nontarget native freshwater mussel [...]


Point of Contact :
Diane L Waller
Originator :
Diane L Waller, Michelle R Bartsch
Metadata Contact :
Diane L Waller
SDC Data Owner :
Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
USGS Mission Area :
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase

Attached Files

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3 substrates.csv 7.08 KB text/csv
calculated_co2.csv 2.99 KB text/csv
Evaluation of Carbon dioxide as a dreissenid control tool.xml
Original FGDC Metadata

69.17 KB application/fgdc+xml
probe_co2.csv 925 Bytes text/csv
titrated_co2.csv 2.27 KB text/csv
trts by daily co2.csv 12.11 KB text/csv
unionid_data.csv 8.54 KB text/csv
Water chem and ammonia.csv 472 Bytes text/csv
Water quality and alkalinity.csv 8.94 KB text/csv
Zebra mussel length.csv 42.06 KB text/csv


The data summarize the efficacy of carbon dioxide for control of dreissenid mussels in cool water (12°C) and the safety of CO2 treatments for nontarget juvenile freshwater mussels. The project will inform managers of an alternative to chemicals for control of dreissenid.



  • USGS Data Release Products
  • Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9E9BTEC

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