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R code: R_nest_predetation


Weiser, E.L., 2019, R Scripts supporting No evidence for disruption of global patterns of nest predation in shorebirds: U.S. Geological Survey data release.


These R scripts prepare the dataset and run calculations and analyses on patterns in daily predation rate (DPR) of shorebird nests, as part of a comment on a recent paper (V. Kubelka, M. Šálek, P. Tomkovich, Z. Végvári, R. P. Freckleton, T. Székely.


Point of Contact :
Emily L Weiser

Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

License.txt 2.6 KB text/plain
R01_format_new_data_for_DPR.r 22.36 KB text/x-rsrc
R02_calculate_new_DPR_by_yr.r 3.64 KB text/x-rsrc
R03_calculate_new_DPR_yrs_pooled.r 7 KB text/x-rsrc
R04_check_what_Kubelka_included.r 3.54 KB text/x-rsrc
R05_compare_new_DPR_with_Kubelka.r 5.49 KB text/x-rsrc
R06_compare_new_obs_time_with_Kubelka.r 14.22 KB text/x-rsrc
R07_new_pop-specific_change_over_time_Reconciled.r 27.64 KB text/x-rsrc 2.87 KB text/x-web-markdown


  • Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)


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