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Concentrations of Pharmaceutical Contaminants and Their Predicted Effects from a Multi-Regional Assessment of Wadeable USA Streams, 2014-2017


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Romanok, K.M., Bradley, P.M., and Journey, C.A., 2020, Concentrations of Pharmaceutical Contaminants and Their Predicted Effects from a Multi-Regional Assessment of Wadeable USA Streams: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Human-use pharmaceutical compounds were analyzed at the U.S. Geological Survey, National Water Quality Laboratory, Denver, Colorado, in wadeable streams in 4 Regional Stream Quality Assessments: Northeast (NESQA), Southeast (SESQA), Pacific Northwest (PNSQA) and California (CSQA). Multiple (with few exceptions) samplings occurred at each site, during base flow, between 2014 and 2017. Sites were located in the headwaters of perennial, wadeable streams in urban and agricultural watersheds. Site selection and methodology for each assessment can be found in Van Meter and others (2015), Sheibley and others (2015), Van Meter and others (2017), Coles and others (2019), Van Meter and others (2016), Journey and others (2015), and Van Meter [...]


Point of Contact :
Paul M Bradley
Originator :
Kristin Romanok, Paul M Bradley, Celeste A Journey
Metadata Contact :
Kristin Romanok
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
SDC Data Owner :
South Atlantic Water Science Center
USGS Mission Area :
Water Resources
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase

Attached Files

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RSQA_Table1a_SiteInformation.txt 55.25 KB text/plain
RSQA_Table1b_SamplingInformation.txt 82.58 KB text/plain
RSQA_Table2_Methods.txt 12.42 KB text/plain
RSQA_Table3a_CompoundCollectionSummary.txt 75.48 KB text/plain
RSQA_Table3b_DetectedCompoundSummary.txt 76.35 KB text/plain
RSQA_Table4a_QA_FieldblankSummary.txt 769 Bytes text/plain
RSQA_Table4b_QA_SurrogateSummary.txt 2.36 KB text/plain
RSQA_Table5_MaximumConcentrations.txt 160.46 KB text/plain
RSQA_Table6_MedianConcentrations.txt 158.57 KB text/plain
RSQA_Table7a_GIS_Ions.txt 234.28 KB text/plain
RSQA_Table7b_GIS_DataDictionary.txt 27.43 KB text/plain
RSQA_Table8_Pharms_SpearmanSummary.txt 68.99 KB text/plain
RSQA_Table9_GIS_Ion_SpearmanSummary.txt 3.83 KB text/plain
RSQA_Table10_EARexclusions.txt 1.65 KB text/plain
RSQA_Table11_EARmaximums.txt 55 KB text/plain
RSQA_Table12_EARmaximumEndpoint.txt 30.29 KB text/plain
RSQA_Table13_EARmedians.txt 27.61 KB text/plain
RSQA_Table14_EARmedianEndpoint.txt 26.75 KB text/plain
Original FGDC Metadata

91.34 KB application/fgdc+xml


This data set provides the maximum and median concentrations for human-use pharmaceutical compounds analyzed in perennial, wadeable streams in four regions across the USA, with varying amounts of urban and agricultural land use. Reported maximum and median results were analyzed using a high-throughput screening data in Toxicity Forecaster (ToxCast tm; see supplemental information for more information). Spearman Rank Correlation statistics are also presented.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P97MW2T8

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