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Data used to evaluate the effects of field-level management practices on edge-of-field phosphorus loading in Minnesota and Wisconsin, 2004-17


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Stuntebeck, T.D., 2019, Data used to evaluate the effects of field-level management practices on edge-of-field phosphorus loading in Minnesota and Wisconsin, 2004-17: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This dataset is a compilation of 125 site years of data collected between 2004-2017 from 26 agricultural fields (2-17 ha) in Minnesota and Wisconsin, representing 13 environmental and seven management factors. Each field was continually monitored for snowmelt and storm event surface runoff volume and phosphorus (P) concentrations. Event data were compiled to calculate both P loads and flow-weighted mean P concentrations during frozen and non-frozen conditions each year. This dataset consists of qualitative information (such as agricultural landuse types, crop rotation information, and soil classifications) and quantitative information (measurements of precipitation and runoff, calculation of P yield).


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Discovery Farms Dataset.csv
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This dataset was used in an analysis to determine the level of influence each environmental and management factor had on nutrient loads.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P91W32MT

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