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Aquatic Vegetation and Invertebrate Communities of Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge


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Tangen, B.A., Finocchiaro, R.G., Newton, W.E., Dahl, C.F., 2019, Aquatic Vegetation and Invertebrate Communities of Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge: Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 10(1):277–294; e1944-687X.


Observed degradation of aquatic systems at Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge, located in west-central Minnesota, have been associated with sediment-laden inflows from riverine systems. To support management, a study was conducted during 2013–2014 with overall goals of characterizing the aquatic invertebrate and vegetation communities of the Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge and exploring relations between these communities and various water-quality parameters. Sample sites were located along an observed vegetation gradient and assigned to three predetermined habitat zones for comparison purposes: upstream, transition, and downstream. Of the 12 species of aquatic vegetation that were identified, invasive narrowleaf cattail Typha angustifolia [...]


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  • Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

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