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Kailapa Community Resilience Plan


2019-01-31 10:00:00
End Date
2019-01-01 10:00:00


2019-01-31(Received), Kailapa Community Resilience Plan


The purpose of the Kailapa Community Resilience Plan (KCRP) is to create a roadmap for future land use development, promote the community’s ability to thrive, and become a truly Resilient Hawaiian Community. Thriving includes the ability to adapt to and manage environmental threats as the climate changes, and be prepared and aware of potential economic, social, and physical vulnerabilities. The KCRP identifies optimal land uses to support a healthy community that manages all the resources available to it. The Plan identifies a pathway leading to how a resilient Kailapa could look like in the future, and most importantly what steps it would take to get there.


Point of Contact :
Jeff Burgett
Author :
Kailapa Community Association

Attached Files

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Kailapa Community Resilience Plan.pdf
“Kailapa Community Resilience Plan”
5.16 MB application/pdf
md_metadata.json 6.79 KB application/json
metadata_iso1.xml 36.1 KB application/vnd.iso.19139-1+xml
Potential Metadata Source

22.12 KB application/vnd.iso.19139-2+xml


  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
  • Pacific Islands Climate Change Cooperative

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Alternate Titles

  • ʻEhu ʻEhu I Ka Pono (thriving in balance): Kailapa Community Resilience Plan

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