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Influence of a high head dam as a dispersal barrier to fish community structure of the Upper Mississippi River: Data


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Anderson, R.L., Anderson, C.A., Knights, B.C., Vallazza, J.M., Larson, J.H., and Lamer, J.T., 2019, Influence of a high head dam as a dispersal barrier to fish community structure of the Upper Mississippi River: Data: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


In 2013 and 2014, standardized electrofishing was conducted above and below Lock and Dam 19 (i.e., in Pools 19 and 20 respectively) of the Upper Mississippi River (UMR). Sampling was consistent with the UMR Restoration program’s Long Term Resource Monitoring element (LTRM) and The Illinois Natural History Survey’s Long Term Electrofishing program (LTEF) allowing for standardized comparisons among the reaches we sampled and those sampled by the LTRM (Pools 4, 8, 13, and 26) and LTEF (Pools 16-21, and Pool 25). Data in this file is includes A) new data from Pools 19 and 20 and B) data compiled from public sources for other pools (LTRM and LTEF). Generally, data codes are intended to match formatting conventions from these public data [...]

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To determine the potential influence of Dam 19 on fish communities system-wide. Dam 19 has a significant hydraulic head (~10 m) that creates the largest impoundment on the system and a barrier to upstream migration for fishes, restricting all passage to the lock chamber. We used the Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity index and non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) to identify variation in relative abundance of fishes among pools and a linear regression model with a Bayesian framework to relate Bray-Curtis dissimilarity to distance. Our results showed a strong relationship between distance and dissimilarity suggesting little evidence Lock and Dam 19 largely influences fish communities.



  • USGS Data Release Products
  • Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9MNCH0W

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