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SAS code for extracting dive profile information from archival geolocator tags


Kevin P. Kenow, 2018, SAS code for extracting dive profile information from archival geolocator tags, U.S. Geological Survey code release,


Attributes of dives (i.e., proportion of time underwater, depth of dive, ascent and descent rates, duration of dive, time within 2 m of maximum depth, post dive surface interval) are extracted from pressure data, where depth (m) = pressure (dbars) * 1.019716 using the SAS software code provided. Dives were considered to be submergence below the water surface, which are define as recorded depth of >0.8 m (typical body length of adult common loons in this study). Because pressure data were collected at 20-sec intervals, we interpolated the times of both dive initiation and surfacing. Average ascent and descent rates were estimated individually for each loon and used to interpolate these times, where rates were based on median values [...]


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Kevin P Kenow

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  • Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)


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