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River stage-specific GIS data layers depicting floodplain depth in the lower Trinity River of Texas


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LCC Network Data Steward(Point of Contact), Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), David J. Hoeinghaus(Principal Investigator), Jennifer Jensen(Co-Investigator), Thomas B. Hardy(Co-Investigator), Kirk O. Winemiller(Co-Investigator), Allison A. Pease(Co-Investigator), Yvonne Allen(Co-Investigator), 2019-11-07(Publication), River stage-specific GIS data layers depicting floodplain depth in the lower Trinity River of Texas,


This dataset features floodplain depth (in meters) at discharges from 15,000 cfs to 100,000 cfs. The spatial extent for floodplain inundation modeling in the lower Trinity River was from Romayor, Texas, to approximately Moss Bluff, Texas. River sections were modeled using steady flow conditions. For the upper section, discharge and stage were both available for the two gages (Romayor USGS 08066500 and Liberty USGS 08067000). For the lower section, the Moss Bluff gage (USGS 08067100) is tidally-influenced, so gage height didn’t correspond to upstream changes in discharge. Depth rasters were exported from HEC-RAS 5.0.0. Since the lower section had large over- and underestimates, depth values were sampled along the intersection of the [...]


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Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative(Distributor)


This data helps to provide a robust basis for management recommendations such as: river flow recommendations for increasing connectivity with important spawning areas; water level manipulation (e.g. reconnection of areas important for spawning or juvenile development to the main river under conditions other than flooding, such as high flow pulses); and/or terrestrial land management (e.g. maintenance of appropriate land cover suitable for spawning) on private and public lands for conservation of Alligator Gar populations, with links to other target species.


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  • Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative
  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal

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urn:uuid urn:uuid ca137cea-58f3-45c5-9875-1fb2123ea568

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