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Assessment of uncontained Zequanox applications in a Midwestern lake data


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Luoma, J.A., Waller, D.L., Severson, T.J., Barbour, M.T., Wise, J.K., Lord, E.G., Bartsch, L., Bartsch, M., and Gray, B., 2020, Assessment of uncontained Zequanox applications in a Midwestern lake data: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


We applied Zequanox using a custom-engineered, boat mounted application system to replicated 0.30 Hectare plots within a small inland lake. The objectives of these applications were to determine if uncontained, open-water Zequanox applications could effectively control zebra mussel populations and protect native unionid mussel populations within zebra mussel infested systems. The datasets included are as follows: Exposure Water Chemistry Hardness and Alkalinity Native Mussel Sonde Water Chemistry Zebra Mussel Density Zebra Mussel Length Zebra Mussel Mortality Zequanox Concentration ShapeFiles: PLOTS, UNIONID, ZEQUANOX CONCENTRATION, ZM_DENSITY, ZM_MORTALITY

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Assessment of uncontained Zequanox applications in a Midwestern lake data.xml
Original FGDC Metadata

50.8 KB application/fgdc+xml
Exposure Water Chemistry.csv 9.9 KB text/csv
Hardness and Alkalinity.csv 547 Bytes text/csv
Native Mussel.csv 51.63 KB text/csv
Sonde Water Chemistry.csv 31.02 KB text/csv
Zebra Mussel Density.csv 18.86 KB text/csv
Zebra Mussel Length.csv 72.04 KB text/csv
Zebra Mussel Mortality.csv 2.24 KB text/csv
Zequanox Concentration.csv 8.45 KB text/csv


Data were collected to monitor water quality during and after treatments, measure treatment impacts to native mussels and zebra mussels, quantitate Zequanox concentrations during treatment, spatially correlate concentration to mortality, density, native mussel impacts, and to investigate effects of the treatment on zebra mussel populations (density, length, and mortality).


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  • Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9ZPKI64

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