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Concentrations of pesticides in multiple matrices to measure exposure of wild bees visiting pollinator hedgerows in northern California


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Hladik, M.L., and Ward, L.T., 2022, Concentrations of pesticides in multiple matrices to measure exposure of wild bees visiting pollinator hedgerows in northern California: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


To better understand the exposure of wild bees to pesticides in an agricultural landscape, samples were collected from fields in northern California. Hedgerows are known to provide habitat for wild bees, but these bees may also be exposed to pesticides from nearby agricultural fields. The study included eight hedgerow sites located in an intensively managed agricultural landscape that includes almonds, (wine) grapes, rice, tomatoes, and walnuts. In addition to collecting both wild bees and honey bees, soil, flowers, and silicone passive sampling devices (PSD; staked near the hedgerows to sample the air) were also included. Sampling was conducted from April to June 2016, to coincide with peak bloom and bee activity for comparison with [...]


Point of Contact :
Michelle L Hladik
Process Contact :
Michelle L Hladik
Originator :
Michelle L Hladik, Laura T. Ward
Metadata Contact :
Michelle L Hladik
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
USGS Mission Area :
Water Resources
SDC Data Owner :
California Water Science Center

Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

Floral tissue and bees.jpg
“Photos of flower and bee samples”
thumbnail 80.23 KB image/jpeg
Hedgerow pesticides compounds.csv
“Compounds Analyzed”
9.36 KB text/csv
Hedgerow pesticides passive samplers.csv
“Pesticides in Passive Samplers”
3.14 KB text/csv
Hedgerow pesticides soil.csv
“Pesticides in Soil”
2.28 KB text/csv
Hedgerow pesticides flowers.csv
“Pesticides in Flowers”
6.07 KB text/csv
Hedgerow pesticides bees by mass.csv
“Pesticides in Bees by Mass”
6.17 KB text/csv
Hedgerow pesticides bees by number.csv
“Pesticides in Bees by Number”
4.68 KB text/csv


Data were collected to better understand the pesticide exposure of wild bees and honey bees visiting agricultural lands with pollinator planting. Passive samplers (to collect aerial spraying to atmospheric deposition), flowers, soil, and bees were collected and analyzed for pesticides.
Photos of flower and bee samples
Photos of flower and bee samples



  • USGS California Water Science Center
  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9S8TRLX

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