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Unsaturated zone soil properties near a dry well and Four-plex baseball field, Fort Irwin National Training Center, San Bernardino County, California, 2019-2020


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Kohel, C.A., Smith, G.A., Groover, K.D., and Peterson, M.F., 2020, Unsaturated zone soil properties near a dry well and Four-plex baseball field, Fort Irwin National Training Center, San Bernardino County, California, 2019-2020: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The U.S. Army Fort Irwin National Training Center (NTC), approximately 35 miles north-northeast of Barstow, California, obtains all of its potable water supply from three groundwater basins (Irwin, Langford, and Bicycle Basins) within the NTC boundaries. In these basins, groundwater withdrawals exceed natural recharge, resulting in water-level declines. However, managed aquifer recharge using recycled water (treated wastewater) has offset water-level declines in Irwin Basin. Additionally, localized water-quality changes have occurred in some parts of Irwin Basin as a result of human activities (for example, wastewater disposal practices, landscape irrigation, and (or) leaking pipes). As part of a research study in cooperation with [...]

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This data release contains: 1) laboratory measurements of core material properties, including gravimetric measurements of water content and filter paper matric potential, as well as specific conductance leachate measurements; 2) Site observations of core material, including field lithologic descriptions, field drilling notes, and core material; and 3) grain size distributions measured using an automated particle size analyzer, and quality assurance data (including a sieve analysis) collected to verify the particle size analyzer results. These data were collected to support a study evaluating the vertical movement of water in the unsaturated zone, including an investigation of any hydrologic effects caused by a potential perching clay layer observed by EPA during previous site investigations.


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  • USGS California Water Science Center
  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9Z81IQU

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