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Child Item 2: Argos and GPS Satellite Tracking Data for Three Large-Bodied Gull Species and Hybrids (Larus spp.) - Raw Data


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Ramey, A.M., Hatch, S.A., Ahlstrom, C.A., van Toor, M.L., Woksepp, H., Chandler, J.C., Reed, J.A., Reeves, A.B., Waldenström, J., Franklin, A.B., Bonnedahl, J., Gill, V.A., Mulcahy, D.M., Douglas, D.C., 2020, Tracking data for three large-bodied gull species and hybrids (Larus spp.) (ver 2.0, March 2021): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This metadata document describes the data contained in the "Argos GPS Raw Data" (Child Item 2) of this data release. This data release contains all data collected by the Argos System from 6 satellite transmitters attached to Glaucous-winged gulls on Middleton Island and 42 Argos-linked GPS satellite transmitters attached to three species of large-bodied gulls (genus Larus) and hybrids thereof, captured at landfills in southcentral, western and northern Alaska. The transmitters carried GPS receivers, so GPS tracking data represent the backbone of this data release. However, because the GPS locations were communicated through the Argos System, a time series of Argos (Doppler) tracking data also exists and is included. Five data files [...]


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gullSpecies_USGS_ASC_argosGPS_deploymentAttributes.csv 14.49 KB text/csv
gullSpecies_USGS_ASC_argosGPS_diagLegacy.txt 31.69 MB text/plain
gullSpecies_USGS_ASC_argosGPS_diagTabular.csv 9.73 MB text/csv
gullSpecies_USGS_ASC_argosGPS_dsLegacy.txt 95.03 MB text/plain
gullSpecies_USGS_ASC_argosGPS_dsTabular.csv 37.09 MB text/csv
gullSpecies_USGS_ASC_argosGPS_rawData_metadata.html 237.45 KB text/html
gullSpecies_USGS_ASC_argosGPS_README.pdf 330.27 KB application/pdf 6.89 MB application/zip
versionHistory.txt 1.22 KB text/plain


These data were collected to investigate the potential for landfill-foraging gulls to acquire and disperse antimicrobial resistant bacteria over long-distances and to better understand the timing and patterns of migratory movement of large-bodied gulls between breeding areas in coastal Alaska and wintering areas along the north Pacific coast of Asia and North America.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9FZ4OJW

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