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Copper-based control: zebra mussel settlement and non-target impacts data


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Luoma, J.A., Severson, T.J., Barbour, M.T., and Wise, J.K., 2020, Copper-based control: zebra mussel settlement and non-target impacts data: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The goal of this study was to complete a comprehensive evaluation of a low-dose copper treatment for zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha Pallas 1771) suppression. The treatment objective was to maintain an average copper concentration of 60 µg/L in waters above the thermocline for 10 consecutive days. The study was conducted in Lake Minnetonka (Hennepin County, Minnesota) and the copper treatment was applied to St. Albans Bay (66.3-ha). Robinson Bay (37.2-ha) was used as an untreated control reference site. Five locations were identified as sampling sites throughout each bay and marked with a buoy. Test animals were held, and samples were collected in the vicinity of these sampling buoys before, during, and after treatment. The datasets [...]

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Alkalinity and Hardness.csv 1.54 KB text/csv
Benthic Invertebrate Sampling Results.csv 43.14 KB text/csv
Biotic Ligand Model Data.csv 3.68 KB text/csv
Chlorophyll A.csv 3.93 KB text/csv
Copper Data.csv 28.72 KB text/csv
Mortality.csv 1.58 KB text/csv
SCUBA Zebra Mussel Survey.csv 7.76 KB text/csv
Secchi Disk and Light Intensity Data.csv 9.91 KB text/csv
Test Animal Condition Data.csv 3.42 KB text/csv
Thermocline Data.csv 168.4 KB text/csv
Tissue Copper Residue Summary.csv 14.84 KB text/csv
Water Chemistry.csv 8.9 KB text/csv
Zebra Mussel Settlement.csv 5.68 KB text/csv
Zooplankton Sampling Summary.csv 70.59 KB text/csv


Data were collected to monitor water quality and to measure treatment concentrations and impacts to target and nontarget animals prior to, during, and after copper treatment. The results can help resource managers decide if low-dose copper treatments would be beneficial for dreissenid mussel control.



  • Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9B9NUQM

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