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Site Locations for Kawaikoi Stream and Volcano Village


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LaPointe, D.A., and Crampton, L.M., 2020, Alakai Plateau, Kauai, and Volcano Village, Hawaii biopesticides and traps for the control of Culex quinquefasciatus, 2017-2018: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Mosquito-borne avian malaria is a key limiting factor on Hawaiian forest bird populations. Preservation of endemic forest birds and restoration of Hawaiian forest bird communities will rely on mosquito control. While landscape level control is being developed managers need short term and reliable tools for monitoring and controlling mosquito populations to protect remaining breeding bird populations.This dataset consists of site coordinates on Kauai and Hawaii Island where trapping of adult mosquitoes, surveys for larval mosquitoes and biopesticide efficacy trials occurred during 2016 and 2017.


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Data were collected to determine the efficacy of the biopesticide VectoMax FG against the larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus, the vector of avian malaria in Hawaii. Specifically, this dataset documents the locations of the experimental pools treated with VectoMax FG, the location of adult mosquito traps used to monitor population abundance and determine trap efficacy and to delineate the reach of Kawaikoi Stream that was surveyed during the study. These data can be used to relocate the positions of mosquito traps in the stream drainage for a follow-up abundance study should continuity be a concern. Coordinates of pools used by C. quinquefasciatus could be used to relocate local sources of mosquito production to guide future control efforts.

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