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Water Resources Management Database Rio Grande/Río Bravo 2020


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Jennifer Koch, Sophie Plassin, Stephanie Paladino, Jack R. Friedman, 20201031, Water Resources Management Database Rio Grande/Río Bravo 2020: ,


The Management Options Database synthesizes and documents a comprehensive set of management practices implemented by the water managers on behalf of a collective (e.g., municipal water systems, irrigation districts) or as individuals (e.g., farmers) to adapt to drought conditions in the Rio Grande/Río Bravo basin. This database provides input to implement the policies in the agent-based module of the ENVISION RGB integrated model (i.e., the range of possible decisions the agents can make in the model) and explore new scenarios of water management. It was developed drawing on the ethnographic data collected by the ethnographic team (Friedman, Paladino). Regular meetings were facilitated by the modeling team (Koch, Plassin) to integrate [...]


Point of Contact :
Jennifer Koch
Author :
Jennifer Koch, Sophie Plassin, Stephanie Paladino, Jack Friedman
Metadata Contact :
Jennifer Koch
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey

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The Water Resources Management Database synthesizes and documents a comprehensive set of management practices implemented by the water managers on behalf of a collective (e.g., municipal water systems, irrigation districts) or as individuals (e.g., farmers) to adapt to drought conditions in the Rio Grande/Río Bravo basin.



  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • South Central CASC



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