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Erickson, R.A. D. Stich, J.L. Hebert, 2020, fishStan: version 2.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release,


fishStan is an R package (R Core Team 2020) providing a collection of hierarchical Bayesian models written in the Stan language as called through RStan (Stan Development Team 2020). The package is a USGS software software release. Currently, the project includes multiple models including Growth models A hierarchical von Bertalanffy growth model, A hierarchical von Bertalanffy growth model without $t0$, A hierarchical Gompertz growth model A hierarchical Logistic INdividual Growth (LING) model A hierarchical Galluci and Quinn growth model A hierarchical linear regression A hierarchical logistic regression model that includes both binomial and Bernoulli input options A catch curve model All hierarchical models are based upon the [...]


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The purpose of the package is to document these models for use in USGS projects and allow easy discrimination. The package assumes the user is familiar with R and hierarchical models. Furthermore, fishStan assumes the user has advanced level-knowledge of these areas. The package is easier to use than compiling RStan models on ones own, but requires more technical skill than using functions such as lm() or glm(). fishStan users would also befit from understanding how RStan works because it relies upon that package and users may (and would befit!) from using RStan tools for model diagnostics such as rstan::traceplot() to understand if their model converged.


  • Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)


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