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USGS Earthmap Capacity Assessment Dataset


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Nelson, J.C., Brown, D.S., Flickinger, A.K., Gunther, G.L., Keisman, J.L., Murdoch, P.S., Steyer, G.D., Thomas, K.A., and Waite, I.R., 2021, USGS Earthmap Capacity Assessment Dataset: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The U.S. Geological Survey provides a wide range of scientific information to an even wider group of stakeholders. Understanding what capacities are needed and if and or where these capacities exist across the USGS landscape is critical in moving science to the next level of use, implementation, and visualization. The concept behind the groups organized to conduct and interpret the survey that collected these data took advantage of the USGS’s position as a science organization with expertise spanning a wide range of science disciplines, stakeholders, and responsibilities. A survey was conducted of USGS employees (Sep 20-Nov 20) to get a current sample of the capacities that exist across the USGS.


Attached Files

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Anonymous Narrative Data.csv 352.1 KB text/csv
Data Model-Dictionary.csv 15.25 KB text/csv
Identified Data.csv 3.38 MB text/csv
Job Titles.csv 3.5 KB text/csv
Organization Lookup.csv 4.32 KB text/csv
Science Center Count.csv 3.42 KB text/csv
Science Center Location.csv 26.47 KB text/csv
Original FGDC Metadata

118.83 KB application/fgdc+xml
Capacity_Assessment_Scenario_Examples.ipynb 6.73 KB text/plain
Capacity_Assessment_Survey_Results_Notebook.ipynb 2.1 MB text/plain
CODE READ_ME.txt 1.14 KB text/plain


These data provide the base information related to several publications being presented by the USGS's EarthMAP Program Management Team, Capacity Assessment Team, and Use-Case Development Team. They support the conclusions and recommendations presented in several additional information products.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9BB5NMZ

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