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Locations of Dams and Basins in South Carolina, derived from U.S. Army Corps Engineers National Inventory of Dams


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Kolb, K.R., Gross, T.A., Musser, J.W., and Rowley, T.H., 2021, Locations of Dams and Basins in South Carolina, derived from U.S. Army Corps Engineers National Inventory of Dams: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Reliable peak-streamflow information is critical for proper design of stream-related infrastructure, such as bridges, and StreamStats is a Web-based Geographic Information Systems (GIS) application that provides a user-friendly interface to estimate peak flows ( StreamStats develops these peak-flow estimates using basin characteristics for the entire contributing area to a user-selected point; however, infrastructure planners often need to estimate flows for an area downstream from a known control such as a reservoir release or a weir. This dataset was compiled in cooperation with the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) to provide a GIS layer of filtered regulation points from the U.S. [...]

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These data provide point locations where regulation occurs on streams in South Carolina, and the basin polygons upstream from those regulation points. Characteristics determined for these basins enable South Carolina StreamStats to estimate flows above and below each regulation point.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9VGNFBO

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