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Data to support water quality modeling efforts in the Delaware River Basin: 2) River and Reservoir Observations


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Oliver, S.K., Sleckman, M.J., Appling, A.P., Corson-Dosch, H.R., Zwart, J.A., Thompson, T.P., Koenig, L., White, E., Watkins, D., Platt, L.R., Padilla, J.A., and Sadler, J.M., 2022, Data to support water quality modeling efforts in the Delaware River Basin: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This data release contains information to support water quality modeling in the Delaware River Basin (DRB). These data support both process-based and machine learning approaches to water quality modeling, including the prediction of stream temperature. This section contains observations related to the amount and quality of water in the Delaware River Basin. Data from a subset of reservoirs in the basin include observed daily depth-resolved water temperature, water levels, diversions, and releases. Data from streams in the basin include daily flow and temperature observations. Observations were compiled from a variety of sources, including the National Water Inventory System, Water Quality Portal, EcoSHEDS stream water temperature database, [...]


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reservoir_diversions.csv 1.41 MB text/csv
reservoir_level_obs.csv 1.25 MB text/csv 17.2 MB application/zip 3.71 MB application/zip 4.1 MB application/zip
reservoir_releases_by_type_drb.csv 2.96 MB text/csv
reservoir_temp_obs.csv 2.82 MB text/csv


Decision support, limnological research, water quality, reservoir management.

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