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Hawaiian Islands downscaled ensemble projections for future (2040-2059 and 2060-2079) climate scenarios (RCPs 2.6, 4.5, 6.0, 8.5)


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Berio Fortini, L., and Kaiser, L.R., 2022, Hawaiian Islands downscaled climate projections for baseline (1983-2012), mid- (2040-2059), and late-century (2060-2079) scenarios: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Global downscaled projections are now some of the most widely used climate datasets in the world, however, they are rarely examined for representativeness of local climate or the plausibility of their projected changes. Here we show steps to improve the utility of two such global datasets (CHELSA and WorldClim2) to provide credible climate scenarios for regional climate change impact studies. Our approach is based on three steps: 1) Using a standardized baseline period, comparing available global downscaled projections with regional observation-based datasets and regional downscaled datasets (if available); 2) bias correcting projections using observation-based data; and 3) creating ensembles to make use of the differential strengths [...]


Point of Contact :
Lucas B Fortini
Originator :
Lucas B Fortini, Lauren R Kaiser
Metadata Contact :
Lucas B Fortini
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
SDC Data Owner :
Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center
USGS Mission Area :

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The associated uncertainties of future climate projections are one of the biggest obstacles to overcome in studies exploring the potential regional impacts of future climate shifts. In remote and climatically complex regions, the limited number of available downscaled projections does not provide an accurate representation of the underlying uncertainty in future climate or the possible range of potential scenarios. These regionally-adapted projections provide a more robust set of diverse yet plausible scenarios of future climate to use in regional impact studies, and associated management and planning in data poor regions.



  • Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center



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